What is RWHOIS?
rwhois (also known as Referral Whois) is a protocol used to obtain registration information about IP addresses and other Internet resources. It is a distributed database system that allows network administrators to query multiple databases to obtain information about an IP address or domain name.
rwhois is similar to the traditional Whois protocol, but it allows for greater flexibility in managing large and complex networks. It enables the delegation of the management of network resources to other organizations, allowing for more efficient use of resources and better management of network security.
rwhois servers are typically operated by Internet service providers (ISPs), regional registries, or other organizations that manage large IP address blocks. They maintain information about IP address assignments, network topology, and other important network information.
Overall, rwhois is an important tool for network administrators who need to manage large and complex networks. It provides a way to quickly obtain information about network resources, enabling faster troubleshooting and more efficient resource management.
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